EST. 2005 House of NA, Inc.
Perfume Oil blends created in the Nocturne Alchemy Studio with exquisite ingredients from around the world. Take your time perusing the site. Read more about NA in the FAQ, News & About Us sections before you begin your journey. Our perfume oil blends are for skin-wear only and not intended for anything other than this. Steep a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine. The experience should only ever be a beautiful one. Perfume awaits.
A unique Collection of exquisite components to create a regal library of Amber Perfume Oil.
Studio Limited Originals created by Nocturne Alchemy built from the most beautiful perfume notes, accords, resins and creations from around the world. Sometimes rare, often times luxuriant; Studio Limited Originals is just that, offerings that are limited due to their ingredients and available here for you. NEW in 5ml SLENDER BLUE bottles. See SLO for details.
Perfume Oil from The Observatory in a revolving Collection of interstellar inspired perfume creations. These are found in the Studio Limited Collection under The Observatory
A Collection of perfume oil based on the theme of Halloween lore, myth and inspiration.
Incense perfume. In Ancient Egypt, incense was used to bind the sense of spirit and prayer to the Gods, it was a form of speaking words through smoke and perfumed resin. The scent would lift from the offering in the Temple and seek the ears of that particular God or Goddess.