REMINDER Studio Limited Crystalline retires from the store at the end of 2024. This is ONLY the SLO Crystalline, all blends with Crystalline are not affected. Please join the House of NA Tent on Facebook. Run by fans for fans of all things House of NA and they update secret squirrels!
Special Summer Musks have retired (9.6.24);
Cake Musk, Buttercream Musk, and Pink Musk
ADD-ONS - (provided your order has not already processed, shipped) Reminder (see below) Processing & Handling fee of $1 will be added per bottle and .50 per vial sample for add-ons so do order accordingly, take your time before your initial order but do feel free to add-on perfumes
ATTENTION! Effective Immediately and with all pending orders. 6.28.22 to infinity and beyond (or something changes);
As some of you might know, we have been having supply-chain issues with our current dropper lids. After months of testing, we’re going to move forward with non-dropper lids called “phenolic” lids. This is only for the traditional 5ml amber bottle (all other bottles are not affected). These phenolic lids seal much tighter and while they do not have a seal proof ring or an orifice reducer on the inside, these have proven to ship without any leaks. For those that prefer the dropper, these are available in the Studio Limited Bazaar area to purchase and very easy to swap out once your order arrives to you. We just wanted to give you a heads up now that you do not pour the perfume on as there will no longer be dropper lids/orifice reducers in our bottles and to take note of this change of lid immediately.
All orders that have not shipped will now arrive to you in a phenolic lid. No insert or dropper for this. This is ONLY for the traditional amber 5ml and the cobalt blue 5ml.
Eternal Goddess is available now in the Permanent Collection - Eternals
We are beginning the transition away from Amber 5ml and toward all Cobalt Blue or 5ml Slender Blue for our entire Permanent Collection bottles. The first PC collection to debut the new blue cobalt bottle will be the entire Egyptian Sweets Coffee & Tea collection on May 15, including the 4 new scents! Because our library is vast, we'll do this one collection at a time. Until then, you only have a few more weeks of the slightly lower-priced amber bottle for the Egyptian Sweets Coffee & Tea collection.
January 2023
Arriving this Summer (near the Summer '23 Limited ): A new look for our Studio Limited! Beginning with our Studio Limited Originals line (with new SLO perfumes coming soon). Introducing our 5mL slender blue bottle, featuring an insert dropper and black screw cap. These elegant slender bottles were the perfect investment when deciding on a new ‘blue’ look for the Studio Limited. Please note that the dome-capped cylindrical bottles for the Musk and Observatory lines will not change because this implementation applies only to the Studio Limited Originals at this time. Friendly reminder: Crystalline will be leaving the store in late 2024, and Opal Vanilla will be retiring in late 2023 or early 2024 (while supplies last due to ingredients no longer being available). New SLO perfumes will join the store throughout the remainder of this year, such as our unreleased "Pyramid Vanille 4," The traditional 5ml amber bottle is available at the link below before the slender blue bottles change. PC will be changing to the 5ml Cobalt Blue (ie the Egyptian Sweets, Coffee & Tea being the first collection to change over). More exciting news to come!
Last Add-ons can be taken up to 3pm on November 1st for both Halloween Limited, after this time no one will be here and both Limited Halloween will come down at 8pm Pacific. Precisely. Please be mindful just because it's in your cart does not guarantee it is yours until you have completed the purchase.
~Thoth's Archive Halloween in July held over and now concludes Sunday August 27th at 8pm Pacific (no add-ons) has Concluded 8.27.23 8pmTHOTH'S ARCHIVE Spring '23 has retired.SPRING '23 Limited has concluded. 5.26.23 8pm Pacific. No back-stock.SPRING '23 Limited Collection Arrival date: Friday, April 7th @ 8 am Pacific - Departure date Friday, May 26th @ 8 pm Pacific - SEVEN weeks available or while supplies last. Last add-on 3pm Pacific on May 26th as the update will go down when the Studio is closed. Also the weekend no one is in the Studio and Monday is Memorial Day - closed.The United States Postal Service (USPS) will be activating a temporary rate increase for the peak holiday season across their commercial and retail postal services. The rate increases will take effect on October 2nd, 2022 and remain in effect until January 22, 2023 - 01.26 update = has not changed so there may be a delay with USPS with benefits our customers as our Priority price is below retail at the Post Office.NA NEWS! 01.27.23Happy Friday! Valentine is arriving next week, so we wanted to prepare you by letting you know that secret squirrel before anyone else. February 1 at 8am Pacific we’ll launch the new Valentine ’23 Limited as well as the Valentine Resurgence. The Limiteds will be up seven weeks and come down on March 29th at 8pm Pacific. Since Thoth’s Archive is up now and doesn’t come down until March 11th, there is a nice overlap if you might want to pick up any RS, Eclipse or Musks as this is their last time and then they retire on Mach 11.Some news far in advance, our beloved Studio Limited Crystalline was always a blending vanilla for us but our customers wanted us to offer this beautiful perfume as is and we have but we’re letting you know in advance we will be retiring it in 2024 (exact date TBA), so you have some time before it leaves the store. Since we’re discussing Crystalline, the perfume artists at NA wanted to release eleven special Crystalline ‘art’ blends including Crystalline itself with a special art label beginning with the Valentine Limited next week. There will be a total of twelve Crystalline ‘art’ perfumes released within Limited Collections only and we hope you are as excited about them as we are. We wanted to give Crystalline one last hurrah in the best way we know how. The first few of these will launch next week in special limited purple-colored bottles and will be available exclusively at the Valentine LC.Add-ons will now have a processing & handling fee of $1 per bottle. You can add-on as many as you like but we’ll include the $1 per bottle in our payment information reply. This processing fee will begin February 1. Vial samples will incur a per vial .50 processing and handling fee.Blue bottles. From the Valentine Limited forward (unless something changes), our Limited Collection bottles will now be in the traditional 5ml blue bottle. Resurgence throughout 2023 will remain in amber 5ml. Special bottles within our Limited Collections you’ve come to know and love such as the cylindrical musk bottles with domed lids, or the Eclipse blue pearl bottles or even the special Crystalline ‘art’ bottles mentioned before will not be included in this, they will remain those special bottles.NEW Meditation Musks are here in the Musk Haven2ml Sample included in Limited Collection orders (while supplies last): 2022Thoth's Archive Vol 4, from Techno Bastet: SymbiosisValentine 2022 - Pyramid Cake (not released)Spring 2022 - Ice Cream & Summer RoseSummer 2022 - June 10 Bastet's Caramel Swirl (arriving @ Holiday to purchase)Thoth's Scroll #6 - July 22 2022Halloween 2022 - September 10 2022 Halloween 2023 Sold out.18th NA Anniversary - Eternal Goddess (arriving 2023 to purchase)Tomb of Tut Centennial Anniversary - November 2-30 Caramel Crystalline Amber (arriving 2023 to purchase)Holiday 2022 - November 18 @ 8am Bois de Santal Rouge Vanille (arriving 2023 to purchase) SOLD OUT 12.31.22HOLIDAY '22 has left the store 01.06.23 8pm Pacific10 ml have all left the store due to supply issues, these may return at a later date but most certainly not in 2023.Free 2ml in the Holiday orders sold out 12.31.22 but the full bottle will be available in 2023 at a future Limited Collection. Bois de Santal Rouge Vanille
~Signature Confirmation! - Occasionally we add complimentary Signature Confirmation allowances and they are given as a courtesy and we also expedite the order (typically orders take 1-3 weeks) a little bit. We will add Signature Confirmation on the house for random new customers or orders that are rather large, on the house. Once the PO attempts delivery but no one is home they should leave a note that you can reply to requesting they try again. Sometimes they come back the next or the following day to try again. I know not all postal people will do this but you can also sign into USPS.com with your tracking from any computer and also request your package to be redelivered to your home without signature if you are unable to get to the PO. So, you don't have to go into the USPS, but we do this as a precaution and also a small gesture from us for your precious perfumes! You can also add the Priority Mail Signature Confirmation at check-out when making payment at the store.~The Ombré Collection has a new look and five new Ombré perfumes added to the collection! The new perfumes are live on Friday August 19th @ 8am Pacific-Dragons, Gargoyles & Mythology has a new look and six new Dragons added to the collection! The new perfumes are live Friday August 26th @ 8am Pacific~
RETIRED 01.03.22Diamond Dark - Three different Redwoods, Egyptian Frankincense and pure Cedar from the SL Originals aged in oak and then in mahogany then blended Black Patchouli, Black Amber and Black Musk
RETIRED 01.03.22Amethyst Dark - Egyptian Sandalwood and a beautiful earthy Egyptian Teak aged in an oaken barrel for subtle contrast with the Black Musk, Sweet Amber and Black Sandalwood and Oud
RETIRED 01.03.22Crystalline Dark – Beautiful aged Crystalline blended into dark notes of Black Amber, Black Musk and Black Vanilla, blended and aged two years in an oak barrel. Apply SL Originals Crystalline to heighten the vanilla experience
RETIRED 01.03.22Bloodstone Dark – Dragon’s Blood Resin aged in Oak with Black Amber, Black Musk, Black Bloodstone Resin, Black Cardamom and a drop of Black Vetiver Smoke and Oud
RETIRED 01.03.22Crystal Dark: Harvested in Egypt with Egyptian Black Vanilla pods, flecks extracted and blended into a beautiful and smooth White Musk. Then binding darker perfume elements that are smokey, and give the depth of that beautiful element of embers on wood in the perfume and dark incense notes to add shadow over the original Crystal (available in the Studio Limited). Black Amber, Kashmir Red Musk, Blue Vetiver Smoke, Black Sandalwood, a drop of Oudh and Arabian Cardamom blend the 'dark' into this perfume.
RETIRED 01.03.22Kobalt Dark: Exquisite Vanilla Accord of Cairo Vanilla Orchid leaves, Pure E/O of a true non-hybrid Egyptian White Vanilla grown specifically for NA by our beloved Egyptian Alchemist based in Cairo. Blending with only the truest and highest quality of Vanilla's from around the world. 8 Vanilla Orchid oils of Cairo, Madagascar, Spain, Reunion and Comoros Islands, West Indies and Kenya. Black Egyptian Patchouli, Black Arabian Musk, Black Indian Cedar and Black Egyptian Amber complete this blend.
All Hallows' Eve is now back online and includes the new look for all the perfume artwork as well as four new perfumes. Please note the following are back in stock with 2022 formulations Pharaoh Amber, OM NA Eternity, Salem and a reformulation of Gothic.Tomb of Tut Ankh Amun Centennial Limited Collection is now live! Add-ons accepted. Please do not place secondary orders if you have a pending order as we can simply add-on to that order and you do not pay shipping multiple times. EXTENDED!! New retire date is 12.07.22 at 12NOON Pacific Add-ons are open for this collection but CUT-OFF on Dec 6 before 4pm Pacific as Studio Closure is December 7-9~NA ANNIVERSARY LEAVES TODAY (Oct 8) at 8pm Pacific!!NA ANNIVERSARY arrives 10.11.22 @ 8am Pacific (NA Anniversary date is 10.23) arrive early so we can process and ship so that you might enjoy on our Anniversary date with us! This is a very very last chance from the return of Original Bastet perfumes along with six brand new blends for the occasion. A total of 8 perfumes. In the Limited Collection area and limited for 4 weeks only and only at this update. You can add-on if your pending order has not shipped. If you order anything from the NA Anniversary collection, we will include a 2ml of the finished product (and unreleased perfume) of Eternal Goddess. Perfume details will be in the Anniversary Collection at the bottom when orders begin to ship.Halloween 2022 Limited Collection arrivesSaturday September 10th @ 8am Pacificadd-ons are back on. Send your request to support@nocturnealchemy.com include your order # and items you'd like (sizes/colored bottles where applicable) and a little sunshine.We've sold out of the Halloween 2023 sample gift but 2ml/5ml/10ml are available as well as the new look and 3 new in the All Hallows' Eve Collection. We'll substitute something for your LC order (our choice) in your order. Subsequent orders will receive a sample of Thoth's choosing.125 Collection (Dracula 125, Mina 125 and Red Sandalwood) will be leaving the store permanently (no restock or resurgence) from this one-off very special collection on July 31st 8pm pacific
125 is EXTENDED by popular demand. Leaving these shores on Thursday. August 4, 2022 @ 8pm Pacific. Absolutely you can add-on if you dare. Email Support@NocturneAlchemy.com with your order number and what you'd like to add to your order. 125 will NOT be returning (or as a Resurgence). This is a one-off very special offering.
Summer LCs have left the store. 7.29.22 @8pm
SUMMER Limited Collection LEAVES the store tonight July 29!! Please note change of last day hour is no longer midnight but 8pm Pacific on July 29th
BOTH Thoth's Archive #4 & #5 come down 8pm June 15th PacificSOLD OUT 7.12.22 Not to worry, Bastet's Caramel Swirl will be available in 5ml this Holiday LC
2ml Gift incentive for SUMMER Limited Collection orders. 500 available. Once 'sold out', subsequent 2ml gift samples will be from random PC, SLO or Deux perfumes. 1 per customer.
Bastet’s Caramel Swirl:
Bastet’s Caramel Crème accord, Pure Vanilla Bean, Vanilla Fleck, Caramelized Sugar, Rich Crème accord, Tolu Balsam, Coconut Milk, Bastet’s Chocolate Ice Cream accord, Cacao extract, Warm Caramel accord, Vanilla Waffle Cone essence accord, Bastet’s Ice Cream accord (Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean Absolute, Vanilla Milk accord, Vanilla Orchid, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Sugar).
*update* with the implementation of phenolic lids (no dropper) for our traditional 5ml amber bottles, there have been zero issues and we will be using these moving forward.
Hello everyone!
We have been hard at work over the last year working on mitigations to address periodic increases in reported leaks from you, our beloved clients. We maintain an extremely high standard for quality assurance and these issues are unacceptable to us, so we wanted to share what we have implemented so far as well as what we are testing out for the future.
The perfumery material supply chain has been heavily impacted by the Covid global pandemic. Stock-outs and quality degradation from our bottle suppliers have been frustrating challenges that we have navigated intensely so that we can continue to share our art with all of you. When the first incidence of about 1% of orders reporting leaks occurred last year, we took swift action. The leaks were isolated to the classic bottle style with the reducer insert and flat black cap, while the narrow neck bottles (cylindrical) with the fancy metallic-domed lids and the special-colored bottles were unaffected. We lodged complaints with our bottle supplier and worked with them to return a massive inventory for replacement with their assurance that this would resolve the problem. We also implemented additional packaging practices, including shrink wrap for our caps, double-taped tighter plastic wraps, and elastic bands for our colored bottles.
We also standardized our response to reported leaks with a policy of offering a 1 mL vial of replacement perfume volume and a new label. Most leaks were observed to be on the order of a few drops (which is of course unacceptable to us), so we wanted to ensure that we went well over and above the leaked volume for replacement, and to also replace the liquid-resistant labels which were occasionally affected. We also would like to note that although our perfumes are stated as 5 mL, we always fill our bottles significantly higher than that so that customers are confident that bottles are visually completely full. This is a common practice in the artisan perfume oil community which we chose to adopt early on, aligning with industry standard. Because of this, we take pride in knowing that our clients always secretly receive more than what they paid for, with this covert knowledge known mostly only to our decanters who measure volumes regularly. We are sharing this information just to provide context to the magnitude of volume and how we are addressing it while we work on better solutions, and we know that this does not address the inconvenience of receiving an imperfect product.
After implementing our new order of bottle supplies as well as our new packaging measures, the incidence of leaks greatly dropped to almost zero. While we were thrilled that these efforts were effective, we kept researching other options just in case. We identified another bottle supplier that tested well against our requirements, and when another wave of reported leaks began a few months later, we were well prepared to quickly switch to the new supplier. This action proved quite effective in the short term, but having learned from experience, we continued to explore more transformative changes.
With seasonal temperature fluctuations at this time of year, the incidence of leaks seems to have increased yet again with the Summer Limited Collections. This is disappointing considering our corrective efforts thus far; however, we have continued to actively pursue additional solutions that are currently in the testing phase. Potential short-term changes include using a blank cone cap without a reducer dropper insert, which is being evaluated as we speak and may be implemented if it meets our standards. Our longer-term plan is a total rebrand with a different bottle style, which is a major change that has been in the works for over half a year thus far. Our current favorite is a taller slimmer bottle crafted from gorgeous cobalt blue glass, and we hope to be able to secure a stable enough inventory and reliable supply to be able to offer a new bottle design like this to all of you soon.
We deeply value each and every one of you for every order that you make, which gives us the thrilling opportunity to spread love and light through perfumed art. We hope that our transparency with our Covid-related challenges is helpful information, and we cannot thank you enough for your patience and understanding as we continue to address these challenges as our priority.
House of NA
Techno Bastet from the Permanent Collection is now live with a new label look and two new perfumes to the Collection. Find Techno Bastet near the bottom on the Permanent Collection page. 3.8.22
Four new Musks have joined the Musk Haven in the Studio Limited as of 2.11.22
ARRIVAL Thoth's Archive Vol 4: Royal Sandalwood January 11, 8am 2022 Pacific while supplies last. Please see Thoth's Archive in the Limited Collection area once live at the aforementioned date & time.
USPS rates have gone up slightly as of January 10, 2022 but we have discounted the rates for you.
Retail for a USPS Priority Small Box is $9.45 and our shipping is $8.25!
VALENTINE 2022 ENDS March 11, 2022 at midnight Pascific. Interested in "adding on" to your order without paying additional shipping? Send your order # and your perfume request to Freja using Support@NocturneAlchemy.com
Pyramid Cake free sample is sold out as of 2.14.22 but the full bottle will be available to purchase in the Spring Limited Collection in April 2022
Pyramid Cake – Vanilla Buttercream Frosting accord, Vanilla Bean liqueur cordial, Vanilla Cake Batter accord, Moonstone Vanilla Absolute, Madagascar Vanilla, Bourbon Vanilla Absolute, Tonka Bean Absolute, White Cake accord, Creamed Vanilla Bean, crème fraiche accord, lemon extract, honey-vanilla crème and Bastet’s Ice Cream (Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean Absolute, Vanilla Milk accord, Vanilla Orchid, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Sugar).
Bastet Amber RETIRED 2.22.22
As a courtesy to our beloved customers, we want to inform you all that our Bastet Amber perfume will be discontinued in approximately 6 months on 02.22.22 (Feb 22, 2022). Special 15ml will arrive in the Valentine Limited Collection of Bastet's Amber if you're looking to treat yourself or get a larger size in a special bottle!! We will continue to use this precious blend in future creations at Nocturne Alchemy, just no longer will offer it for sale on its own. Bastet Amber was originally intended as a blending component for us to use in our compositions, and we offered it for sale on its own due to popular demand. However, it is time for Bastet Amber to be retired. Thank you so very much for loving this blend as much as we do! We are announcing this far in advance to give you all as much notice as possible.
NOTICE we're EXTENDING the Holiday & Resurgence LC to January 3rd, Midnight Pacific! Happy NALIDAYS! <3
COMING SOON a very small window for all released Royal Sandalwood coming soon. Watch this space for the date and time!
SHIPPING NEWS: USPS Priority Small Box Retail is $8.45 but we have it discounted for you to $7.90 The HOLIDAY USPS rates have come back to normal but there will be a slight USPS increase in January 2022.
We're back in the Studio during regular business hourse (Mon-Fri 9am - 4pm Pacific) ORDERS placed after the 21st of December will ship upon our return on January 2, 2022
Happy New Year!
HOLIDAY 2021 is now live - SUGGESTED CUT-OFF DATE to receive your order in time for the Holidays please order by December 14th - if you don't mind it possibly being late due to the heavy volume of the postal service traffic - by all means, take your time and order after this date but do note January 1 at midnight Pacific 2022 the Holiday LCs both come down and these will no longer be available to purchase at all. Resurgence is a 2nd and last time at the store, some perfumes may be subject to selling out and will not be restocked. Add-ons will not be accepted during the week of our closure - see above:
live from Friday November 12th, 2021 @ 8am Pacific time
Saturday January 1, 2022 @ 12 midnight Pacific time
NO LONGER AVAILABLE as of 12.20.21 (don't worry, the full bottle will be available at the Valentine 2022 Limited Collection update for purchase)! Included in all Holiday Limited Collection orders The complimentary 2ml is for HOLIDAY Limited Collection direct store orders. It is an unreleased future Limited Collection perfume: Eclipse Vanilla. One per customer and subsequent orders (or if sample has been depleted) we will include a different 2ml sample in your order of our choice for you. Order minimal of one item in either Holiday LC and you will receive this sample as our holiday gift to you.
Eclipse Vanilla - a new Limited perfume coming to a future Limited Collection (TBD Limited Collection 2022)
Ingredients: Golden Tobacco Leaf essence, Black Tonka Bean Absolute, Sweet Sandalwood, Golden Labdanum Absolute, Cistus Absolute, Styrax, Patchouli essence and NA Amber Attar Accord
ANUBIS GARDEN is now live in the Permanent Collection.
Summer Limited Collection has left the store and will be unavailable to purchase once the collection leaves the store.
EMAIL support@NocturneAlchemy.com but first READ the FAQ how to order add-ons section!
Please follow add-on procedures (see above) otherwise you will receive multiple packages from the queue in which we received the orders. Email Freja (also above) if you would like Add-on information before placing further orders provided your initial order has not shipped. Thank you!
Please note the excessive heat - please allow perfumes to come to room temperature - do not put in the fridge (this is a common question for our CS). Put the Priority box somewhere safe and wait a few days for proper molecule scented bliss. We ship fast so you can take a few days to sit them aside and return to room temperature and where the scent should be.
The complimentary 2ml for Limited Collection direct store orders is an unreleased Studio Limited DEUX perfume: Crimson & Kashmir is SOLD OUT as of July 5 but 5ml is available NOW in the Studio Limited DEUX section! Subsequent orders or if sample has been depleted we will include a different 2ml sample in your order. These are for direct store orders not from ordering at other sites/stores.
Happy Summer!
Summer LC Perfumes are up 7 weeks beginning 6.19.21 - 8.7.21
NEW in the Permanent Collection: Royal Amber - Celestial Amber
NEW in the Studio Limited Musk Haven - Lavender Musk
NEW in the Studio Limited Originals/Vanilla Haven - Pyramid Vanille 3
If you have ordered from the new SUMMER LC you will receive the latest free sample in your order. 1x sample per order.
To celebrate the new Studio Limited perfumes at the site - the first 200 orders of either Lavender Musk or Pyramid Vanille 3 will receive an upcoming perfume - Egyptian Musk & Santalum DEUX 2ml sample in your order. 1 per customer and any combination from anything at the store - as long as one or both are included in your order. Thank you for being part of the House of NA - June 19th forward - if you have ordered from the new Summer LC you will receive the latest free sample in your order.
~Provided your order has not shipped - add-on requests are available via support@NocturneAlchemy.com Please READ the FAQ for instructions.
As of July 1, 2021 across the entire store (where applicable) all 10ml will now come in Amber glass bottles.
We will be phasing out the 10ml blue bottle for our Studio Limited perfumes and move to 10ml Amber bottles.
Spring Limited Collection arrives 8am Pacific Saturday April 10th in the Limited Collection along with Spring Resurgence.
END DATE: Saturday May 29th @ midnight Pacific
PEACH Musk is available in the Musk Haven Collection in the Studio Limited
CLOSED ON MEMORIAL DAY - MAY 31, 2020 (Both CS and NA Studio)
As you may already know, the upcoming Thoth's Archive will feature 9 returning bunnies as well as 3 all-new bunnies. Thoth has been hard at work rebuilding the 9 returning bunnies, but due to so many challenges in tracking down all the perfume components for them, these will be very limited in quantity. If you are really searching for any of the 9 returning bunnies, we suggest that you order directly from the store due to their limited quantity. However, the 3 new bunnies are exclusive to this Thoth’s Archive, and should remain available through the one-month duration of Thoth’s Archive because they are in full Master Bottles.
The Archive will arrive in the Limited Collection area denoted by the Egyptian sacred Thoth tile. Arrival time is 12noon Pacific on Saturday, March 6th and limited to one month or until bunnies are depleted, whichever comes first. Please note this we added an extra week to our normal six weeks for this update, and we have decided to continue with 7-week updates in the future for the seasonal Limited collections (Valentine, Spring, Summer, Halloween & Holiday)!
See you on Saturday! ALL three Collections in the Limited Collection area are filled and ready to ship!! Each BUNNY order will receive an exclusive 2ml bunny perfume yet to be released. One per customer and available while supplies last. Details in the collection when it launches this Saturday!! Pick up some Valentine perfume and a few hop-a-longs together!
ENHANCER Musks are now available in the Studio Limited Musk Haven Collection!!! Six new perfumes to enhance your Musk Haven perfume Library!! Read about it more in the Musk Haven section.
As always NEW information like this is in Thoth’s Scroll every time we have an update
Thoth's Archive #3 BUNNIES Saturday March 6 at 12Noon Pacific through April 3 midnight Pacific. When a BUNNY sells out, the purchase option will no longer be available in the drop down.
<3 Freja, Thoth and the NA Crew
VALENTINE Collections have left the store.
Valentine Limited and Valentine Resurgence Limited Collections arrive
Arrival date: Saturday January 30 @ 1pm PT - Departure date Saturday March 20 @ midnight PT - SEVEN weeks available or while supplies last.
Sandalwood Bourbon: Sandalwood Absolute, rich Indian Sandalwood chips, soft white clove essence blended with Indian Cardamom, Cedarwood, Irish Moss accord, Amber blend of labdanum and benzoin with Golden Australian Sandalwood and aged Sandalwood in a bourbon Oakwood barrel
PROVIDED your order has not shipped or is being currently processed and taken to the Post Office...Add-on requests will resume Monday February 8th. Thank you!!! The prior Add-on cut-off time is now over and we will resume add-on requests!
Please email Support@NocturneAlchemy.com with your add-on request, please follow the instructions provided in the FAQ area of our store provided your pending order has not shipped. We will not accept add-ons for upward of 2 weeks from the launch of the new Limited Collection so that we may process and ship orders quickly! We will again accept once the bulk of the new Limited Collection orders are out in the mail (about 10-14 days after the update).
How do I get my new Valentine perfumes quickly?
Valentine Limited & Resurgence Limited perfumes are ready to ship. If you order only from the most current Limited Collections - your order will ship way before the current ship time below. If you order samples, we will need to prepare these by hand and your order will remain within that 2-3 week window. We strive to ship sooner and usually do! The Valentine update is early so that we can have time to prepare thousands of orders and ship to you in a timely manner so that you may enjoy them over the course of Valentine/February! You will receive a tracking email once your order has shipped or use the emailed receipt at the time of your order to check the button there to see if your order has shipped, if there is no tracking, we're still working on orders and appreciate your patience. Sending an email asking where your order is will stop Freja from assisting shipping and slow the process down. We truly do appreciate your patience.
Current SHIP TIME 1-2 weeks for LC only orders. 2-3 weeks (not including weekends/holidays/store closures) for all other store orders. Due to a time-frame built around the Limited Collections, these orders are our priority but we typically are much faster than our estimated time above. Do not worry, we will ship your order very soon!
The Observatory is now LIVE in the Studio Limited. The Zenith free sample (future Observatory) has been depleted but Zenith will be joining in bottle form in 2021
SEASONAL PRICE FOR Small Priority box (what we use)
Small Flat Rate Box:$7.90 INCREASED to $8.65 on October 3, 2021
House of NA Closure
New Labels will begin phasing in, starting in December 2020 and fully transitioned by December 2021, for: Bastet's Garden, Studio Limited, Osirian Purnima and a few others. Long labels are being updated to square labels to match the rest of the store for a streamlined look.
RETIRING: Studio Limited are essential perfumes available while source materials are attainable. Darks and Anniversary blends from the Studio Limited Originals retire permanently late 2021 or while supplies last, so if there is a favourite, please pick them up now!
Oudh ICONIC will be on hold until further notice (only Oudh ICONIC: Anubis has been released). ICONS are a separate collection. We hope to recommence with special Oudhs later in 2021.
SEE our NEWS section for more information about the new update and procedures!